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Upcoming Events

All events will take place at Hughes United Methodist Church Located at 10700 Georgia Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20902.


Unless otherwise specified in the event description

November 2023

Saturday, November 18: Garage sale 

2PM to 5PM

Located in the Church's Parking lot & Warehouse 

Hughes UMC will be hosting our seasonal garage sale. Clothes, shoes, coasts and more will be distributed. We welcome small donations of $1 to $10 to help support the food distribution Hub. 

Saturday, November 11: Bible Story Night 

Hosted by Children's Ministry 




مارس 2022

Tuesday, October 31: Children's Ministry Halloween Alterative Festival

6PM to 8PM

Located in the Church's Social Hall, Lower level 



Tuesday, October 24: COVID Booster & Flu shots

9:30AM to 1PM

Hughes UMC will be partnering with Disease Control and Immunization Montgomery County to provide FREE Covid-19 booster shots and flu shots for individuals 19 years and older without insurance or for those with insurance but does not cover the vaccine.  


معلومات عنا

مهمتنا هي "عكس وجه المسيح لجميع من نلتقي بهم". كعائلة الله ودودة ومضيافة ، نحن نسعى جاهدين لعيش إيماننا من خلال العبادة الحيوية والفرح ، وتكريم تنوعنا كشعب الله ، والعمل عن قصد على النمو في الإيمان ، وخدمة قريبنا ومشاركة رسالة الله في الحب والنعمة.




10700 شارع جورجيا

ويتون ، ماريلاند 20902

بريدك الإلكتروني مهم جدًا بالنسبة لنا ، وسنعاود الاتصال بك في أقرب وقت ممكن. بارك الله فيك . 

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